In Balanced Join Ally Johnson in today’s Friends to Mankind episode – In Balance. In this special episode with Ally talks about her body and how after almost 2 months of continuous biking her body has become unbalanced and WHY being in balance — physically, emotionally and nutritionally — makes all the difference in the world.
Friends to Mankind – Sea to Sea with Ally Johnson
Friends To Mankind | Featuring Our Sponsor Your Holistic Earth
Your Holistic Earth – A Friends To Mankind Sponsor Your Holistic Earth is one of the primary sponsor of Ally Johnson as she cycles throughout Canada to help end poverty. Listen to her as she interviews DeeAnne Riendeau, founder of Canada’s Alternative Health care system, to learn more about what they do and their why. Ally Johnson will also share how being a part of the Your Holistic Earth Community has affected her cause, business, and personal mission.
SeatoSea with Ally Johnson | Cycling To End Poverty – Week 9 Forecast
Cycling To End Poverty – Week 9 Forecast Let’s join Ally Johnson as she shares with us the expected events and places that they will be doing and visiting for the 9th week of SeatoSea Cycling to End Poverty. The Interested in knowing more about Ally Johnson and her fight to end poverty by cycling from sea-to-sea? Visit her other podcast here at Tenacious Living Network – home of your holistic health podcasts : What is Cycling to End Poverty? Friend to Mankind & Daigle Bike Living. Giving What is Sea2Sea Cycling to End Poverty? SeatoSea Cycling to End Poverty is a cycling mission focused on empowering people out of the cycle of poverty through fundraising and awareness. Poverty is real. Over 800 million people live in extreme poverty and nearly half the world lives on less than $2.50 / day. Sea to sea is working towards[…]
Friends To Mankind | Meeting Friends across Canada
Friends to Mankind across Canada In today’s Friends to Mankind with Ally Johnson reflects on some of the individuals she has met while travelling across Canada . She talks about who she has met and some of the work that they are doing … and how others are helping in their own way. Friends to Mankind Canada episode notes: Jane Unlimited – biking across canada on a solo mission and raising awareness about being overwhelmed by loneliness and how she is raising awareness (3:20) Blaine Penny – awareness around mitochondrial disease and asking the question ‘what can we do?’ to make a difference (10:56) Prairie Cares- helping prairie farmers through tough times (19:15) Project Jed – biking to raise awareness about male suicide and male abuse. (26:29) Trevor Sanderson – Canadians joining with Canadians (34:03) [smartslider3 slider=14] The What is Friends To Mankind? Friends to Mankind (FtoM) is an international[…]
Friends To Mankind | SeaToSea Cycling To End Poverty – Week #8 Recap
SeaToSea Cycling To End Poverty – Week #8 Recap (August 18th) Ally joined us on August 18th to share her experiences so far on the ride! She shares some incredible stories with us about her experiences in the Sea to Sea Ride to End Poverty. She has also met many Friends to Mankind along the way as well. Tune in to hear all about it. [smartslider3 slider=14] The Interested in knowing more about Ally Johnson and her fight to end poverty by cycling from sea-to-sea? Visit her other podcast here at Tenacious Living Network – home of your holistic health podcasts : What is Cycling to End Poverty? Friend to Mankind & Daigle Bike Living. Giving What is Sea2Sea Cycling to End Poverty? SeatoSea Cycling to End Poverty is a cycling mission focused on empowering people out of the cycle of poverty through fundraising and awareness. Poverty[…]
Friends To Mankind | Round Table
Round Table In today’s Friends to Mankind with Ally Johnson she is joined by Mark Ismond (Engagement Manager for Partners Worldwide), Ida Kaastra-Mutoigo (From World Renew) and Sarah Brooks (Sea to Sea Coordinator). Together they talk about the experience of joining SeaToSea & Friends To Mankind Cycling To End Poverty and what others can do to help or participate. Round table episode notes: Mark Ismond, Engagement Manager for Partners Worldwide – shares mission around 2 – 5 min mark “clients who want hand up, not hand out” Ida Kaastra-Mutoigo, World Renew 10 minute mark Sarah Brooks, Sea to Sea Coordinator, 15 minute mark The What is Friends To Mankind? Friends to Mankind (FtoM) is an international non-profit organisation, working with individuals, corporations and humanitarian organisations for the betterment of humanity. They are headquartered in Canada and have offices and representatives worldwide, in Malaysia, USA, UK, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Singapore, Germany and Australia.[…]
SeatoSea Friends To Mankind with Ally Johnson | Riverside Mission
Riverside Mission In today’s podcast we are stepping away from the usual weekly recap however we will join Ally as she talks about Riverside Mission and what she experienced while she joined their community kitchen. The goal of Riverside Mission is to restore dignity and purpose through freedom from poverty, addiction and hopelessness. They go beyond providing the spiritual needs of people, they also provide a safe place where people can get help, be cared for and have some basic needs of food, clothing and shelter met. [smartslider3 slider=11] The What is Friends To Mankind? Friends to Mankind (FtoM) is an international non-profit organisation, working with individuals, corporations and humanitarian organisations for the betterment of humanity. They are headquartered in Canada and have offices and representatives worldwide, in Malaysia, USA, UK, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Singapore, Germany and Australia. At FtoM, there are no champions, no heroes, nor leaders. But, there is an[…]
Friends To Mankind | Jasper Hoogendam
Jasper Hoogendam Ally Johnson is pleased to introduce you all to Jasper Hoogendam, one of the riders participating in SeatoSea Cycling To End Poverty. [smartslider3 slider=4] Jasper is a former principal and educator. He had been in the field of education for 36 years however it was sadly shorten due to a traumatic brain injury. He is now living with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and has been using his energy to learn everything he can about it, so that he and others who share the same condition can live with it and more importantly not be limited or hampered in life just because of the situation they are in. As he proudly says on his blog: “Since early 2015 I have been learning to live with ABI (Acquire Brain Injury). I don’t want to let my ABI limit the goals I set for myself. I’m living with a different brain,[…]
Friends To Mankind | SeatoSea Cycling To End Poverty – Week 4 Recap
SeatoSea Cycling To End Poverty – Week 4 Recap Ally joins us to give us a recap of the 4th week of SeatoSea Cycling to End Poverty. Listen to her as she talks about her journey, the people she met along the way, the place they’ve been and the sponsors that helped her. [smartslider3 slider=9] The Interested in knowing more about Ally Johnson and her fight to end poverty by cycling from sea-to-sea? Visit her other podcast here at Tenacious Living Network – home of your holistic health podcasts : What is Cycling to End Poverty? Friend to Mankind & Daigle Bike Living. Giving What is Sea2Sea Cycling to End Poverty? SeatoSea Cycling to End Poverty is a cycling mission focused on empowering people out of the cycle of poverty through fundraising and awareness. Poverty is real. Over 800 million people live in extreme poverty and nearly half the[…]
Friends To Mankind | Janelle Morrison – Part 2
Janelle Morrison – Part 2 Listen to the second part of Ally Johnson’s interview of Janelle Morrison. [smartslider3 slider=7] The What is Friends To Mankind? Friends to Mankind (FtoM) is an international non-profit organisation, working with individuals, corporations and humanitarian organisations for the betterment of humanity. They are headquartered in Canada and have offices and representatives worldwide, in Malaysia, USA, UK, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Singapore, Germany and Australia. At FtoM, there are no champions, no heroes, nor leaders. But, there is an open invitation for everyone – it is the invitation to participate in the transformation of humanity. The Interested in knowing more about Ally Johnson and her fight to end poverty by cycling from sea-to-sea? Visit her other podcast here at Tenacious Living Network – home of your holistic health podcasts : What is Cycling to End Poverty? Friend to Mankind & Daigle Bike Living. Giving What is Sea2Sea[…]