Get You Visible Podcast


Master Trump - WisdomWays Radio Ep 19 - TLR Station Cover

WisdomWays Radio | Master Trump

Master Trump

On January 20th, Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the USA. How do you feel about Trump? Can you feel gratitude for him?

Chances are, you are not neutral. Chances are, like many people, you have even been over-the-top emotional about it, turning it into a polarized drama. Trump is perhaps the most polarizing figure of our time. Whenever there is this kind of dramatic polarizing and projection, either from within ourselves or within our society, then there is unresolved shadow in play. These shadows are arising so that they can be embraced and owned. Whether you are “for Trump” or “against Trump” he is masterfully holding shadow.

Trump is a “master mirror” that is reflecting back to America and perhaps much of our world an opportunity to create positive change. There is no accident that figures like Trump are arising now. In this podcast, I invite you to honestly identify your own shadows that are reflected by Trump. By becoming aware of and embracing your shadows, you will find more peace and by being the change you want to see in the world, you will add more peace to this volatile world as you withdraw the energy of your projections from it. The reflections of Trump can lead you to your own lost power.


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